Take-home naloxone toolkit

The IOTOD THN toolkit contains guidance and resources on how to set up a take-home naloxone programme, in order to reduce overdoses and save lives.

Spearheaded by the Programme Director, Professor Patrick O’Hare, the THN toolkit was created in collaboration with three partner organisations that coordinate successful take-home naloxone programmes: the Scottish Drugs Forum, ANTIDOTE Denmark and the Red Cross (on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia).

With the concerning rise in overdose deaths, urgent action is needed to implement take-home naloxone programmes and the THN toolkit designed to inspire and guide you in this process, through:

  • Inspirational video case studies of successful take-home naloxone programmes
  • Checklist of things to consider for setting up a take-home naloxone programme
  • Guide to creating training materials
  • Advocacy briefing
  • An insightful infographic on how take-home naloxone programmes can be implemented in the UK prison setting
  • Interactive map of the take-home naloxone community in Europe
  • An invitation to you to join our take-home naloxone community

Take-home naloxone toolkit: case study videos

Scottish National Naloxone Programme
Public Health Agency of Catalonia
View all case studies