
The Take Home Naloxone toolkit (with the exception of the infographic “THN in UK prisons – a call to action”) is supported by funding from Mundipharma International Limited.

The Take Home Naloxone toolkit infographic: “THN in UK prisons – a call to action” is supported by funding from Ethypharm UK Ltd.

All educational content and materials are created by the Faculty and Educational Advisors in collaboration with PCM Scientific, the medical education company acting a secretariat. These activities are run at arm’s length from the financial supporters. The financial supporters have had no involvement in the creation or development of the educational content.


Manoeuvres in the fog: drug-drug interactions in OST
Practicalities of transitioning between opioid agonist treatments
New horizons for treatment: translating the latest research into clinical practice
Tailoring behavioural interventions: emerging evidence and practical implications
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