Specialist Pharmacist in Substance Misuse, NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL)
Glasgow, Scotland
Duncan Hill is currently the Specialist Pharmacist in Substance Misuse in NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL). Since 2007, Duncan is a qualified Pharmacist Independent Prescriber. Duncan works in an integrated multidisciplinary substance misuse prescribing service that supports 11 addiction teams in NHSL.
Duncan is currently an Honorary Lecturer at Strathclyde University. In this role, he has been involved with the Pharmacist Independent Prescriber course as well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and projects. He was previously an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Glasgow Caledonia University.
Duncan is a member of the Scottish Specialist Pharmacists in Substance Misuse group, the steering group of the National Substance Misuse Non-Medical Prescribers Forum and is the past co-convenor of Drugs Research Network Scotland. Duncan is also a member of EUROPAD.
Duncan is currently studying for a PhD at Strathclyde University looking at Physical Health Comorbidities in Older Patients prescribed OAT. Duncan has published a number of articles on various addiction related topics.
Nothing to disclose.