Chief Executive of the Hepatitis C Trust
London, UK
Charles Gore was diagnosed with hepatitis C-related cirrhosis in 1997. Concerned by the lack of information and support, with three friends he set up The Hepatitis C Trust which he continues to run. In 2002, he was successfully cured – although with long-term complications. Charles Gore helped create the European Liver Patients Association in 2004 and was its first president. In 2007, he initiated World Hepatitis Day and set up the World Hepatitis Alliance, of which he is president. Advocacy by the Alliance has driven global action through two WHO resolutions and the inclusion of viral hepatitis in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Charles Gore has no personal financial or other conflicts of interest to declare.
The Hepatitis C Trust, of which he is CEO, receives support from the following pharmaceutical companies: Gilead, Janssen, BMS, AbbVie, and MSD. Over the last 10 years, support from the pharmaceutical industry as a whole has averaged less than 25% of the Trust’s income.
The World Hepatitis Alliance, of which he is President, receives support from around 15 pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies. However, his role is completely unpaid.