GP and Addiction Medicine Specialist
Drug and Alcohol Services, South East Sydney Local Health District, Australia
A Fellow of Royal Australian College of GPs, Hester is also a Fellow of the Chapter of Addiction Medicine in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Hester is the chair of the RACGP Special Interest Group in Addiction. She works for NSW Health in Sydney and Wagga and in private practice in Sydney. An experienced medical educator, Hester has written widely on general practice and substance use issues and was involved in planning and facilitating the recent RACGP AOD training. She is an operatic soprano and has worked professionally here in Australia and the UK. She loves singing and sharing that joy with others. She is a member of a number of state and national committees looking at FASD, opioid stewardship and the roll out of real time prescription monitoring. She is currently undertaking a PhD focused on GPs’ experience of patients with chronic pain and prescription opioid use disorder and is learning guitar.