Ahmed Institute for Pain & Cannabinoid Research
Calgary, Canada
Dr Sana-Ara Ahmed is a practicing clinical Anesthesiologist, Interventional Pain & Cannabinoid Medicine Specialist in Canada. An avant-garde entrepreneur and visionary, her clinic known as the Ahmed Institute for Pain and Cannabinoid Research, provides integrative and compassionate chronic pain management to Canadians in Toronto and Calgary. She has a diverse practice that focuses on targeted pain control for diagnosis and opioid harm reduction. The successful incorporation of medical cannabis into her practice for treating chronic pain, anxiety, depression and functional sleep disorders has well established Dr Ahmed as an expert in the field.
She is a medical graduate from the University of Saskatchewan in 2006 and received her post graduate designation in Anesthesiology and Medicine from the University of British Columbia in 2011. An astute clinical educator, she is also a certified instructor in Simulation Medicine after completing her Medical Education Fellowship at the University of Toronto in 2013.
Dr Ahmed is a chronic pain patient advocate and champion for patient self-care. Her knowledge and passion for medical cannabis as a treatment modality for all Health Canada indications has made Dr Ahmed a renowned medical cannabis educator nationally & internationally.
• Received travel, accommodation and honorarium for attendance of advisory boards with StrainPrint Technologies, Eli Lilly, Allergan, Shoppers Drug Mart, Alberta Pain Strategy – Opioid Harm Reduction Steering Committee, MedReleaf, Spectrum Cannabis and (with no funding) Alberta Medical Association – Chronic Pain Section President Elect
• Received travel, accommodation and/or honorarium for participating as a member of speaker’s bureau for MedReleaf, Aurora MMJ, Spectrum Cannabis, Vivo Cannabis, Tilray and Wayland Group
• Received payment from (including gifts, other consideration, or in-kind compensation) from Tennessee Pain Society and Foothills Medical Doctors Association
• Received/will be receiving a grant or honorarium for public speaking at events held by Canadian Cannabis Summit, Canadian Arthritis Society, Cannabis at Work, Safety in Your Workplace HR, Canadian Home Builder’s Association Edmonton Region, YPO Alberta and Canadian Cannabis Clinics
• Speakers have received honoraria to compensate their time to prepare for and speak at IOTOD 2019