Expert webinar

Long-acting buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid dependence: striking the balance between greater freedom and strong engagement

Watch the summer educational session led by Dr Julia Lewis, and joined by Dr Steve Brinksman that discussed the significance of taking a holistic approach when providing treatment for opioid dependence involving OST – particularly when using long-acting buprenorphine (LAB) formulations – to support adherence, good quality of life and mental health, and overall treatment success.

Learning objectives

After watching this webinar, viewers should be able to

  • Discuss the need for holistic treatment approaches for the treatment of opioid dependence
  • Describe improved quality of life outcomes with LAB treatment
  • Recall effective strategies for ensuring regular mental health screening and provision of psychological care / psychosocial interventions during treatment with LAB to optimise outcomes

Expert Faculty

Chair – Dr Julia Lewis

Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Service, Newport, NHS Wales

Speaker – Dr Steve Brinksman


Clinical Director of Addiction Professionals and the Medical Director for Cranstoun, Ridgacare House Surgery, Birmingham, England, UK

Funding Statement

The IOTOD webinar ‘Long-acting buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid dependence: striking the balance between greater freedom and strong engagement’ is supported by grant funding from Camurus. The educational programme is run at arm’s length from the financial supporters and all content is created by the faculty. No funder has had input into the content of the materials or presentations used in the educational programme. PCM Scientific is the medical education company acting as scientific secretariat and webinar organiser.